We’d be delighted to meet you!

CIRCULAIR will organise several events targeting different audiences, from science, industry, policy and the general public. We will promote each event once the dates and venues are defined, via this website and CIRCULAIR’s LinkedIn page.

CIRCULAIR workshop and events

Event title Target audience When Where Event information
Summer school PhD and MSc students Summer 2024 Aalborg University + Aarhus University / Denmark
Summer Courses focusing on CO2 capture and conversion and the production of carbon-negative biofuels BSc, MSc and PhD students and early-stage-researchers Summer 2025/2026 Complutense University, Madrid / Spain
CIRCULAIR Final Workshop Various stakeholders, general public Second half of 2026 Denmark or Belgium
Topic workshop on HTL biochar as agricultural soil amendment Specific scientific and industrial stakeholders 2025 University of Hohenheim / Germany
Topic workshop on sustainable aviation fuel from HTL Specific scientific and industrial stakeholders, policy makers 2026 Aalborg University / Denmark
CIRCULAIR Industry Workshop Related EU research and innovation projects, scientific and industrial stakeholders 2024/2025 Online workshop or collaborative event
Topical Webinars Scientific and industrial stakeholders, policy makers 2024/2025/2026 Online